SqueezeBrains SDK 1.18
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 cppCpp interface
 BlobBlob analysis
 ErrorsErrors management
 FolderFolders management
 GenericGeneric functions
 GeometryDefinitions of geometric entities
 ImageCollection of functions to manage images
 Image information fileCollection of functions to manage the image information file associated to an image
 LicenseLicense management
 LutWarped image management
 MemoryMemory management
 ParametersProject Parameters
 ProjectProject management interface
 ResultsCollection of functions to manage Detection results
 ROICollection of functions to manage a ROI (Region Of Interest)
 SamplesSamples interface
 SolutionSolution management interface
 SurfaceSurface interface
 SVL - TrainingCollection of functions to manage SVL or training of Retina and Surface
 Features defines
 XMLDefinitions of functions to manage your own custom parameters
 C#C# interface
 BlobBlob analysis
 ErrorsErrors management
 FolderFolder management interface
 ImageCollection of functions to manage images
 LicenseLicense management
 ParametersProject Parameters
 ProjectProject management interface
 ResultsCollection of functions to manage Detection results
 ROICollection of functions to manage a ROI (Region Of Interest)
 SamplesSamples interface
 SolutionSolution management interface